Springtime...final projects...exams...Gary's Birthday....

Hey all,

I know it has been a damn long time since an update, but I have been cramming with final projects and studying for exams... My last written exam is today, so I felt obliged to post something... This is a line form last Sunday, and this spot is literarely 2 blocks from my house...It isn't much, but enjoy for now, there will be more updates soon, including some movies I made for school, as well as some beer commercials I made for a contest, and even some footage of Stepheson, AKA, D.S.L., aka, Bossman Chief, AKA The mother flufling man with tha plan!!!

Also, I can't wait to see the Bergsma and Superka duet, as they arrive in 12 days.....Can't wait to chill with you guys!

Also, When I do find time for skating, I have been skating with my buddy Lincoln from school quite a bit, and he's good shit.